Course book
The recommended course book is Introduction to Data Compression by Khalid Sayood. The most recent edition (2018) is the fifth edition (ISBN 9780128094747). There are some copies of this and the older fourth (ISBN 9780124157965) and third (ISBN 9780126208627) editions available at the university library. The third edition is also available in electronic form (see below), and I will use this as a theory reference for the lectures.
Electronic books
The third edition of Sayood’s book is available in electronic form:
Other electronic books:
Other material
- Quick reference compendium (work in progress, updated 2025-03-04)
- Discrete Markov models (in english)
- Diskreta markovmodeller (in swedish)
- Instantaneous codes
- Problem collection
- Tables and formulas
- Suggested solutions for Sayood 2nd ed., ch. 2-12
- Lab 5 compendium
More documents here later
Lecture slides
All lecture slides will be published here during the course.
- Slides for lectures 1-4: Introduction, lossless coding
- Slides for lectures 5-6: Amplitude continuous source models, quantization
- Slides for lecture 7: Linear predictive coding
- Slides for lectures 8-9: Colour images, transform coding and subband coding
- Slides for lecture 10: Psychoacoustics. Audio coding
- Slides for lectures 11-12: Video coding.
- Slides for lecture 12: Speech coding.
Theoretical examples
Some of the examples that are shown on the lectures.
- Entropies of a Markov source
- Arithmetic coding and decoding
- Linear predictive coding
- Transform coding
Practical examples
Examples of audio and image coding that are shown on the lectures.