Note: this is an information page, the course is given through LiU's e-learning system lisam

TSIT03 Cryptology

This first course in cryptology gives an overview of existing algorithms and the requirements they should meet. Some algorithms are treated in depth while others are treated more at an introductory level, a detailed list over the course content can be found here.

The course is given in period HT1. The literature and lectures are in English, as are the training lessons.

Required courses

Algebra and Probability Theory. TSIT02 Computer Security and Discrete mathematics are recommended, but not strictly required.


Onur Günlü Lectures, examination
Christoffer Hindlycke Lab sessions


Course book: “Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory” by Wade Trappe and Lawrence Washington.

Course plan

Item Content Trappe & Washington
Lecture 1 History and principles Ch 2.1-2.6, 2.8, 2.12
Remember to register for the lab sessions!
Lecture 2 Foundations and basic theory Ch 15, 2.9
Lecture 3 Stream ciphers, pseudo-randomness Ch 2.10-2.11
Lecture 4 Block ciphers: Principles, DES Ch 2.7, 4.1-4.4, 4.6-4.7
Lecture 5 Block ciphers: AES, other algorithms, modes, MACs Ch 5, *3.11, 4.5, 4.8, (+MACs)
Lab 1 Historical ciphers Lab-PM 1
Lab 2 Hacking DES via side-channel analysis Lab-PM 2
Lecture 6 One-way functions, public key principles, RSA Ch 3.1-3.6, 3.9, 6.1, 6.7
Lecture 7 RSA continued, crypto knapsack, Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal Ch 6.2-6.4, 7.1-7.2, 7.4-7.5, (+knapsack)
Lecture 8 Digital signatures and hash functions Ch 8, 9
Lab 3 GnuPG Lab-PM 3
Lecture 9 Elliptic Curve Cryptography, key distribution and trust Ch 16.1, 16.5, and 10
Lecture 10 Quantum cryptography Ch 19.1-2, + more
Lab 4 Quantum Cryptography Lab-PM 4
Guest Lecture Sectra Communications See separate information emailed to participants.
Lecture 11 Zero knowledge and Secret sharing Ch 7.3, 12, 14
Lecture 12 Post-Quantum cryptography Not Ch 11