Sidan finns bara på engelska
Course book
The recommended course book is Introduction to Data Compression by Khalid Sayood. Both the fourth edition (ISBN 978-0-12-415796-5) and the third edition (ISBN 978-0-12-620862-7) can be used.
In this course we will cover roughly the first 1/3 of Sayood’s book. The rest of the book will be used in the course TSBK38 Image and Audio Compression.
The third edition of Sayood’s boook is available in electronic form:
See the reading instructions for the relevant chapters in Sayood’s book.
Other electronic books
At the university library the following books can be found
- Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression”
- Hankerson, Harris, Johnson, “Introduction to Information Theory and Data Compression”
- Rolf Johannesson, “Informationsteori - grundvalen för (tele-)kommunikation”
- Thomas Cover & Joy Thomas, “Elements of Information Theory”
- David Salomon, “Data compression : the complete reference”
- Adam Drozdek, “Elements of data compression”
- Mark Nelson, “The data compression book”
- James Storer, “Data compression: methods and theory”
- Gilbert Held, “Data and image compression: tools and techniques”
Other material
- Discrete Markov models (in english)
- Diskreta markovmodeller (in swedish)
- Problem collection
- Solutions to chapters 2-5 in Sayood’s book
- Distributions for which Golomb and Exp-Golomb codes are suitable
- Arithmetic coding example, exact calculations
- Arithmetic coding example, fixed point
- Arithmetic coding example, Markov source
Lecture slides
All lecture slides will be published here during the course.
- Slides for lecture 1
- Slides for lecture 2
- Slides for lecture 3
- Slides for lecture 4
- Slides for lectures 5-6
- Slides for lecture 7
- Slides for lecture 8
- Slides for lecture 9
- Slides for lecture 10
Links to articles and documents about data compression.
- GIF87a
- GIF89a
- PNG documentation and software
- RFC 1950: ZLIB
- RFC 1952: GZIP
- RFC 2083: PNG specification
- Mark Nelson on LZW
- Mark Nelson: LZW revisited
- Mark Nelson on arithmetic coding
- Mark Nelson: Data Compression With Arithmetic Coding
- Burrows’ and Wheeler’s original article about BWT
- Mark Nelson on BWT
- FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Coding)